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From Rubber Ducks to Golden Trumpets: My Eventful Journey

There is a feeling at the end of every event of pure exhaustion mixed with pride and excitement. It is a feeling that I desire and am on a mission to achieve.  


I planned my first event when I was 11 years old, a baby shower for my dad’s co-worker. Complete with baby blue pots and rubber ducks I had caught a bug.


From there bug became an interest when I oversaw sorority recruitment for Alpha Xi Delta. Despite having the pressure of planning two weeks straight of events I was in my element. I woke up each morning excited for the challenges that lay ahead.


The interest then quickly became a passion, as I became more involved with DePaul PRSSA. From planning panels for DePaul students to engage more with the Chicago PR community to planning two PRSSA Midwest District Conferences. I have never felt more in my element.


Although always stressful, nothing else ignites my spark as much as event planning.  Whether it be hosting a Galantines Day event at my apartment with my friends or working as the fellow for an award ceremony like the Golden Trumpets. The opportunity to build a space where others can connect and celebrate excites me.

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